Affordable,  Creative,  Fashion,  Friends

How I’m Using the LadyBossBlogger Course to Build Relationships with Brands

Hey y’all!  Well, a lot has transpired since I last talked to you about the LadyBossBlogger course I started back in the beginning of March. Coronavirus has happened, and within the blink of an eye, I went from normal busy, to on another level busy at work.  But, I am thankful for the opportunity to help people during this time, and only slightly jealous of those that get to work from home.  

But that brings me to my next point!  The dream of getting to work from home, which is something that is completely feasible with the right tools, a little perseverance, and a love for snuggling with your pups all day. 

Now more than ever people are shopping online because they cannot go out.  So while it might seem a little uncomfortable to reach out and ask for paid partnerships right now, brands need influencers to help spread awareness of their products.  Now that I know how to do this, I am starting today!

So let’s talk a little about what I learned from the LadyBossBlogger course during the second half:

Let’s talk about money!

We left off talking about the 10 main reasons brands hire influencers, but I know a lot of us, especially if you are new to blogging, want to know how much to charge and what to expect???  This course goes over all of that as well as how to create different posting packages and tiers for brands.  It also explains proper sponsored post etiquette and y’all I was surprised to see that some of those things I haven’t even been doing in the past…what a great lesson!

Don’t forget about all the guidelines!

What are the FTC guidelines?  What kind of business entity do you need?  It’s all covered!

Did you know bloggers have to pay taxes?

Yup!  You do!  I love how Elaine Rau dives into this topic because it’s something a lot of us don’t know a lot about.  Keeping track of your income, organizing it, reporting it, it’s all equally as important as the partnerships you make with brands. 

Putting together all the pieces of the LadyBossBlogger Course.

From getting your influencer accounts started, to best posting practicescreating your brand, and engaging with your target audience, you’ll learn everything about how to get your business off to a great start!

From how to create a marketing plan, creating a media kit, making the perfect collab pitch (and getting responses), to how to find brands and why they are looking for influencers to collab with, you’ll learn all about how to set up these relationships and see them flourish!

And lastly, do your accounting!

That’s it!  The perfect combination of important topics about how to make money from your blog right at your fingertips!  I have thoroughly enjoyed this course and am currently writing my pitch emails to a few brands I’ve wanted to collab with for a while, I just never knew where to begin or what to do.

And I’ve got a giveaway for you guys!  All you have to do is head over to my Instagram page @fashionandfurbabies and follow the rules in the post there!

If you want to dive on into the course, I’ve also got a discount code for you.  You can go to and use code LORIMARKEL for 40% off any course you purchase or just click the link below:

For additional resources check out:

7-Day Make Money Blogging
21-Day Build A Better Blog
5-Day Master Affiliate Marketing
3-Day Become An Instagram Influencer

Once again, I hope you all enjoyed this post and if you have any questions leave them in the comments below!