Sephora VIB Sale Picks
Every fall I look forward to the Sephora VIB sale. This is such a great time to not only stock up on some favorites that you know you will use throughout the year, but it’s also a great opportunity to…
Cru Day Spa – The Experience!
As one who doesn’t spend a lot of time in the spa, but has some major experience with facials (they are my favorite spa splurge), I was super excited when Cru Day Spa contacted me to collaborate! I visited last…
Why I Got Hair Extensions and Why I Love Them
I’ve been wanting hair extensions for YEARS! I just couldn’t ever take the plunge for whatever reason. But when my stylist, Emily, at Reserved Salon said her new stylist, Taylor, were going to offer hand-tied extensions, I was sold! Hand-tied…
My Top 10 Picks from the Sephora VIB Sale!
Hello! Its been a hot minute since I wrote a blog post! And y’all, I am so sorry about that! Let me catch you up on the last month. It all started with a head cold, or severe allergies. Then…
FabFitFun Spring Box
I just got my third FabFitFun box 3 days ago! If you read my first blog post about the winter box, you’ll know I wasn’t to crazy about my fall, but winter was hit, and so is the spring 2019…
The Zombie Mask!
Being The Walking Dead fan that I am, when I heard about this “zombie” mask that was on Amazon, you better believe I was on the 1-click buying option faster than Rick Grimes could draw his gun! And I’m gonna…
A Full Face of My Favorite Drug Store Makeup
I feel like its a super weird time of the year. The holidays are over, the big sales have ended. It’s still too cold outside to start thinking about spring clothes, but if you needed winter clothes, you’ve probably already…
The Winter FabFitFun Box
I had been seeing the FabFitFun box advertised on sponsored posts on my Facebook newsfeed for about a year. Each season, as new boxes came out, I would watch the unboxing videos and wonder if i should buy it. FabFitFun…
Giving Thanks
Starting a project/sharing a passion/starting a business like this takes a lot of time and effort. And I think there are a few things you need to do it. One, is a passion. I love fashion and beauty, as well…
Hello & Welcome! A little about me…
Well, hello there and welcome to my blog! My name is Lori. I’m a small town girl who moved to Houston about…14 years ago to pursue an education in pharmacy. I liked it so much here I just decided to…